Split V8

Küttelahendus uuele või renoveeritavale majale. Kasutatakse peamiselt puukütet, pelletit, gaasi jne kütusena kasutatavate küttesüsteemide ümberehitamiseks. Kasutatakse ka lihtsamate küttesüsteemide puhul kui maja küte on õhk-vesi soojuspumbaga. Mudel sobib 3-tee ventiili lisamisel ka tarbevee soojendamiseks juhtudel kui tarbevee (nt kahesüsteemne) boiler on juba eelnevalt olemas.


Maja või ridaelamu küte ja soe tarbevesi (eraldi asetseva tarbeveemahutiga)

Juhib kütte ja tarbevee temperatuuri

Küttevee reguleerimisgraafik välisõhu järgi

Juhib küttevee seguventiile (PID juhtimine 1. radiaatoritele 2 põrandaküttele)

Võrku ühendatav.


Air to water heat pump AWH6-R32-S-V8 AWH9-R32-S-V8 AWH12-R32-S-V8
Power supply outdoor unit 230V/10A 230V/16A 230V/16A
Power supply indoor unit 230V/6A 230V/6A 230V/6A
Heating Capacity (1) 6,50 kW 9,20 kW 11,60 kW
SCOP floor heating 35℃ 4,74 4,73 4,71
Energy class A+++/A++ A+++/A++ A+++/A++
Operates in conditions down to -30℃ -30℃ -30℃
Min/Max. Heating Capacity (1) 3,5/6,5 kW 4,3/9,2 kW 5,5/11,6 kW
El. heating power input min/max (1) 0,738/1,562 kW 0,885/2,055 kW 1,107/2,683 kW
COP min/max (1) 4,5/4,81 4,48/4,88 4,3/4,9
Min/Max. Heating Capacity (2) 2,3/5,9 kW 3,9/8,6 kW 4,9/11,2 kW
El. heating power input min/max (2) 0,909/1,917 kW 1,120/2,510 kW 1,401/3,263 kW
COP min/max (2) 2,6/3,1 3,46/3,66 3,4/3,6
Min/Max. Cooling Capacity (3) 6,22/7,41 kW 8,48/9,45 kW 7,0/9,8 kW
El. cooling power input min/max (3) 1,374/1,806 kW 1,860/2,200 kW 1,728/2,510 kW
EER min/max (3) 4,1/4,5 4,3/4,56 4,05/4,9
Min/Max. Cooling Capacity (4) 3,6/4,3 kW 5,45/6,95 kW 4,9/8,5 kW
El. cooling power input min/max (4) 1038/1680 W 1768/2324 W 1358/2987 W
EER min/max (4) 2,5/2,7 3,0/3,14 2,87/3,70
Compressor Mitsubishi Twin Rotary Mitsubishi Twin Rotary Mitsubishi Twin Rotary
Refrigerant R32 R32 R32
Water pump Wilo Wilo Wilo
Minimum water flow 0,21 l/s 0,3 l/s 0,4 l/s
Water pressure drop 26 kPa 26 kPa 26 kPa
Fan Quantity 1 1 1
Fan Airflow 2500 m3/h 3150 m3/h 3150 m3/h
Sound pressure level indoor/outdoor 44/52 dB(A) 45/53 dB(A) 45/52 dB(A)
Refrigerant connections 1/4" 1/2" 3/8" 5/8" 3/8" 5/8"
Water connections 1" 1" 1"
Indoor unit dimensions 410x260x700 mm 410x260x700 mm 410x260x700 mm
Outdoor unit dimensions 1025x397x750 mm 1207x412x900 mm 1207x412x900 mm
Weight indoor/outdoor 30/80 kg 31/90 kg 31/93,5 kg

        (1) Heating condition: water inlet/outlet temperature: 30℃/35℃, Ambient temperature: DB 7℃/WB 6℃;

        (2) Heating condition: water inlet/outlet temperature: 40℃/45℃, Ambient temperature: DB 7℃/WB 6℃;

        (3) Cooling condition: water inlet/outlet temperature: 23℃/18℃, Ambient temperature: DB35℃/WB24℃;

        (4) Cooling condition: water inlet/outlet temperature: 12℃/7℃, Ambient temperature: DB35℃/WB24℃;

        (5) The specifications are subject to change without prior notice. For actual specifications of unit,

               please refer to the stickers on the unit.




Coolhouse OÜ, reg.11353026, Aadress Koidu tee 43, Kelvingi, 74018 Viimsi vald, Estonia +372 5044 810 info@coolhouse.ee Time:GWT+2
Avatud E-R 8.30-17.00